Monday, August 20, 2012

The Nighttime Battles

The whole world sleeps, while I get up for the 3rd time in the middle of the night to nurse my son.

He doesn't even nurse, he just uses me as the pacifier. This has been going on for a month and I am now at the point where I dread the nighttime. I hate it when it comes close to 8 pm, because that is when the real battle starts. Trying to put Charlie to sleep, only to have him just get up and start talking. It is bedtime!! Now is not the time to start being adorable! It really is adorable when he just starts blabbing, and I can't help it but give him little kisses at that point. Then I have to remind myself that I actually have to put him to bed. 8pm means no kissy time, it is bedtime! Remember that tonight Andrea!!!!!!!!!

So I do, and that confuses Charlie on why he has to go to the crib. Hey, you were just wrestling with me? Now you are putting me in my crib and expect me to sleep? Well, watch this Mama....... ( insert huge loud screaming Wahhhhhhhhhhh at this point.)

 Then the midnight battles begin. Almost every hour starting at 11:30, Charlie wakes up expecting to be "nursed". Since we have that nursing while lying down position mastered, it is easy just to pick him up and lie him back down in our bed and nurse him so he sleeps again. But now that he is doing this almost every hour , it is becoming tiring. And annoying. Annoying that I am the only one that has to wake up and do this routine while everyone sleeps. I get so frustrated that this happens that I bang my leg down on the bed, just so my husband can wake up a bit so he can share my misery. He doesn't, and it just makes me more annoyed.

I know what you guys are thinking, let the baby cry it out. Except we can't , since we are not the only ones that live in the house and we have to think of the others and not waking them up. So we are stuck. Stuck in the hopes that somehow Charlie can outgrow this. Sorry, I am stuck with this hope. Everyone else is sleeping.

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