Monday, February 28, 2011

The Third Year Checkup

The 3rd year checkup went well. Dr. Turk asked him what he liked to eat. Jack stayed silent. She asked him if he liked carrots and green beans. He said yes, an obvious lie since all he eats now is mac and cheese. What is with kids and mac and cheese?
Jack tips the scales at 34 lbs, 37 inches tall, and is now lies at the 75th percentile in head size. Good thing cause up until this point his head was checking in at the 80th - 90th percentile. Do you know what I mean by percentiles? You will as soon as you become a parent.

Jack was not caught up on his vaccinations, so he had to get two for that day. I didn't think that he was going to react differently, since he was alright when he got some on his 2nd year checkup. However, this was different, and out come a cry that I have not heard since he was about a year old. It was a special, wee-heee heee, which comes out as very high pitched and very sad sounding. His huge tear drops fell down his cheeks, and soon I was crying. Again. Brian had to hold both of us and console us. Why do the moms cry when their kids cry? Or should I say, why do I cry so much?

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