Monday, February 14, 2011

The Potty Training - SUCCESS!!!!!!

Brian and I are happy to report that Jack is 95% potty trained. This weekend was a huge success as Jack stayed in his underwear the whole weekend, and told me when he needed to go potty. He has a small potty that is in the shape of a train (of course) and on Saturday he just wanted to sit on there. He never cared for it before but all of a sudden, he wanted to sit on there.

When he did, he asked me to count with him? I said alright, and by the time we reach 10, there will be pee- pee in the potty. Once we reached 5, it just came out and he looked at me as if he was saying " Is this ok?" I wanted to scream out


I remained calm however, and gave him the biggest smile and told him of how proud I was. The best was the smile he gave back, as if he finally understood of how much it meant to us.

This road to the potty was long and tiring. There are a few people we have to thank as we would not have gotten here by ourselves.

1. Hanes - for making really adorable Thomas the Tank Engine underwear. Not only are the faces on the trains really cute and happy, but there are underwear where Jack can wear Thomas and Percy at the same time! Or just James the Red Engine if he is having a James day.
2. Sesame Street - I want to thank Elmo over and over again for saying this phrase -
"Dirty diapers are no fun."
I can't tell you how many times Brian and I said that to Jack over and over again. If Elmo thinks that dirty diapers are no fun, don't you think so too? Jack finally thinks so.
PS -Elmo says this in the Elmo goes to the Potty training video.
3. Patience - It's a wonderful thing to have. Not many people possess this trait, yet Brian and I were more than the most patient man every time Jack wet his pants, the floor, the bed. We never lost it, and we reminded Jack gently over and over again to just go to the potty next time.

With this ginormous milestone out of the way, now comes the next question - How do we introduce the nighttime potty trips? How do you explain to a child that while they sleep soundly, that if they have to go, they have to interrupt that beautiful sleep to go to the bathroom for just two minutes only to go back to sleep.
Jack is a sound sleeper. Can this work? Can he be a one in a million kid that will not go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? I was never that kid - and I hope that he has inherited that trait from me.

1 comment:

Momof2hapas said...

As far as the night time thing. That just comes with time and physical maturity.