Wednesday, November 11, 2009

All the little things

There are ways and expressions that a child really does inherit from their parents. When I was about 1 -2 years old, the story would be that I would go into the kitchen, stand in the corner and just jabber. The baby talk would be non stop and there is even a photo to prove that I did such a thing (thanks Mami and Papi).
Now, Jack has gone into the world of speaking. Some words we can understand, but a lot of it is just a wonderful sound of blurbs to us. Even when I am trying to give him his dinner, he will sit there and just go, aahahvns;bntonbot ksfhfsdnfsbfaeuifnasuebfwif. Those are actual words by Jack. I cannot wait til it comes to that time when I can actually talk with Jack and have real words exchanged, but at this moment, his little words is one of the greatest moments of our lives

Jack is becoming a real Sesame Street kid. And thank god for
There are a lot of classic videos on there, and most of them are ones that I remember when I was about 4 years old. It made me a bit teary to see that Jack was laughing at the exact same videos that made me laugh when I was young.
It's an amazing feeling to have when you realize that the things you loved most as a child, now brings the same happiness to your own child. For Brian that would be his love of trains, which now Jack cannot live without Thomas and must play trains at least 6x's a day. Jack and I now share a love for Sesame Street. At times, I am finding that I am more excited to watch it than he is. It never goes away, you know..

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