Monday, March 31, 2008

Goodbye Maternity Leave

Things that I will miss:
Waking up at 6 in the morning and not feel the rush that I have to get ready for work. Hanging out with Jack in the early morning, then watch him as his takes his first morning nap. Getting ready to meet an Oak Park mom for the day. Walking down East Ave and Jack sleeping in the stroller. Watching Price is Right. Watching The Godfather on AMC for the 5th time this week. Is that an appropriate movie to watch with a two month old? Downing my breakfast quickly before Jack gets in his fussy mood. Downing my lunch quickly before Jack wakes up. Story time as we lay on our bed. Diaper changes.And then changing his clothes twice or three times. Having the odd luxury of the hubby being at home on Wednesdays, and just hanging out. Saying goodbye to the hubby as he goes to work and I am feeding Jack on the rocking chair. Rocking him to sleep as the afternoon rolls by. Placing him in the bouncy chair as I try to fold the laundry and hoping that he stays Mr. Cool.( at first it was not easy, but now he is better.) Singing with Jack "NO MAS NIEVE!!!" (no more snow in Spanish) as we looked outside the window and yes, it would snow. Smiles at 3 in the afternoon. Trying to make him take a nap but staying on the rocking chair for almost an hour. Any movement and he would wake up and would not want to be put down. Lunches with my mom on her days off and talking about family. Those rare days that my sister would have a day off and we would hang out. Trips to Jewel. Errands to run. Walks to Lake Street. Just because. Taking his photo. Waiting for that perfect afternoon light to take a photo. Kissing his little face. Holding him when he cries.

I know all of this is stuff that we will still do. But now we only have weeknights and weekends to do this. I dreaded for this day to come. To all moms that get to stay home with their kids, they are very lucky ladies. Off to work I go. So now when the 4:30 bell rings, it will mean so much more cause I can rush home to see my family.

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