Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Weaning

My little guy will be turning 18 months in May. A year and a half already! So in this time of reflection of where has the time gone, I decided to wean him officially. No more nursing when I come home from work, no more nursing him to sleep, no more nursing when he feels upset. 
I haven't gotten bitten every time I did nurse, contrary to what people think. He would bite occasionally just for fun. I say that in the most honest way, since after I gotten bitten, I would say "OUCH!!" 
He would just giggle and laugh, like getting biting your mom's breast was a good thing??!! No way man. 

With this and other reasons, the time has come to stop. He doesn't really need it for nutritional value anymore. He gets plenty of that from the fruits and veggies he eats every day.  He really nurses as a habit now and I am here to stop the habit. Sounds harsh but I feel so bad for my first born to say 
"Hi, I missed you but I will be with you in about 10 minutes as your brother wants to be nursed." My poor Jack. The weaning has been hard for the first 3- 4 days, but now he really doesn't ask for nursing when I come home. At night he still does, but doesn't put up as much of a fuss as he did before. 
I will miss it though. I will the little moments of myself coming home from work and just relaxing on the sofa while I nursed. I will miss the moments of him playing with my hair. I will miss watching him drift to sleep. I will miss the way he cuddled his little head against my chest, as that was his way of telling me that he wanted to nurse. 
An alright, you got me. He has been waking up at 5:45 in the morning and in the hopes to get him back to sleep, I nurse him in the morning. Baby steps, and not cold turkey nursing is the way to go. I swear, I will stop the morning nursing too. Just any day now.....

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