Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The One Month Mark

One month of being a parent of two. What a tiring ride. But we are getting better at it. And I am happy to report that now, Brian and I are actually able to watch a show here and there before we go to bed. The hardest part of this is that we are getting right into the winter weather. It has been cold this past month and I have been at home a lot more than I would like to. Thank you to my husband for always trying to get me to go out. Even if it is grocery shopping, at least it is going out somewhere. As I write this, today is supposed to be 50 degrees, yet rainy all day. There goes my one chance to go out and walk around the block. Such is life.

Charlie , on the other hand, has been amazing to watch. He likes to do this boy cries wolf act, where in the middle of the night, he will wail and scream for about 4 times before he actually wakes up to feed. All the while, I am lying in bed, waiting for the moment where I really have to get up. Charlie, you are very unlike your brother at this age. Jack slept the whole night and wouldn't want to eat at night. You , on the other hand, love to get up and eat. It's alright. It's been a month now. I am finally getting used to it.
You are now staying more awake in the morning. It's fun to watch your little face look around and stare. Even though if you are staring at the window blinds. That's ok, you never knew what window blinds were until now.
Let's see what month 2 brings - an actual smile? An a-goo?
Another great thing that happened this month - Jack told Charlie that he loves him. Unprovoked and sincere.

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