Monday, July 18, 2011

The Parental Invite

Brian and I are friendly people. And wherever we go, we seem to meet new people. Cool people that especially have cool kids that are about Jack's age.
Once we meet those people , we always ask these internal questions to ourselves" So, if this person is cool, and their kid seems to get along with my kid, do we ask for their number? Can we ask them to see them again?

It's kind of like Parental Dating. You see the parents,you like them, you seem to get along with them and have the same interests that they have. And your number one interest is that your kids get along. Which they do! So, when it is it a good time to ask to see them again? Because that great moment that your kid is having right now with their kid, he can have again and again and again.

Brian and I went thru these roller coasters last Sunday. Jack had a cough and perhaps an ear infection, so off to Urgent Aid we went. As we went into our second hour waiting there, who would come in but a mom, dad, and a child about Jack's age carrying Woody and Buzz from Toy Story. Well, of course Jack's eye lit up and immediately wanted to go over to play with the kid. We encouraged him , and the little boy loved that Jack was wearing a Thomas the tank engine shirt. Friendship soldified.

As the boys played in the waiting room, Brian talked with the dad ,I talked with the mom, and it was as if Brian and I were telepathically telling each other the same question ;

Alright, do we ask for a number this time?"
Before we could answer each other, we were called into the doc's office. By the time we came back out, the family was gone.

We talked about the situation over dinner and it continued onto Walgreens where we were waiting for our prescription for Jack. Who happened to walk down our aisle at that moment was the dad. The dad from the doc's office. At this moment, Brian and I gave each other the golden look, the look that said That is it. This is meant to be. So Brian did ask for his number, the dad got ours and we were left with a feeling of "WE DID IT!!! We got a friend for Jack - for life!

That was a week ago. We haven't called the parents yet. They haven't called us either. We figure we should call them soon before that memory of the doctor's office becomes a vague memory. Now that we have crossed that path and answered our own question of should we , shouldn't we, now we have to ask ourselves of when we , when shouldn't we call. Seems easy enough no?
Where is the book for parental rules on this one?

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