Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Mother's Day

The first thing that I heard this morning was a very sleepy Jack telling me " Happy Mother's Day."

He at least said it to me 4 more times throughout the day " Happy Mother's Day Mama!" and would give me a big hug.

It's moments like that that make it being a mom so worthwhile. Being a mom is tough, being a working mom is tougher in my book. But I never would trade any of those days for not being a mom. I am used to the craziness of it all. Even as Jack sleeps now, and he had a very early bedtime tonight, I sit here and wonder, what can I do? Watch TV? Maybe. Read a book? I just finished reading my book. Paint my nails? Please, have you met me?

Thanks Jack for being that beautiful kid that you are. You make me feel like I am doing an ok job with this mom business. Let's keep it up.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Hope you had a great day. So funny how you sit and wonder what to do when they're sleeping. I'm the same way. Following Andy around all day is exhausting, but then when he's asleep, it's like, "Where is my shmoopy???" Also, yes, being a working mom is tough- but so rewarding! We are rock stars. :-)