Sunday, January 15, 2012

The 2nd Month

 Jack has taken to being quite the photographer. His latest includes taking pics of what he is watching on the telly.

 Jack is definitely my son. He LOVES to bake. And lick the bowl clean afterwards.

 Another Jack photo.

 Every kid loves to take a photo of the family dog.

Charlie maybe the first baby in history to love baths. He has not cried once since we have started giving him baths. Thank God.

Two months have come and gone. We have gotten to this great schedule of eating and napping and bedtimes.I have two weeks left of maternity leave. I will be sad to see my time with my kids go, but I want to go back to work and start contributing to the family bank again. How do stay at home moms do it? Every day, stay at home and try to think of new and inventive ways to be the fun mom so your kids are not bored at home. That was what plagued me this time around. I felt that I was not the cool enough, fun enough mom to Jack and Charlie. Everytime I would suggest to color, Jack would say no.My only backups were baking and watching a Wonderpets episode that Jack really likes, to which he would always say yes immediately.

Charlie is a great baby. We got his first smile on Christmas Eve, right in those early morning feedings. I told Charlie thanks for giving us a wonderful gift. He "a-goo"s a lot and often sounds like a cat when he is whiny and ready to eat. I can't complain much. I think we are raising some terrific kids.

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