Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Firsts

May 8
First time Charlie rolled over. On Jack's bed, in the midst of getting everyone ready for bedtime.  He just went for it... and has been rolling over non stop.

May 13
Mother's Day. We were doing our annual plant the garden and make it tidy for the summer at my mother in laws. She kept announcing " Who wants to see a wormie??!!" Not I. Although Jack readily went over to her and picked it up like it was no big deal. I am proud that my son had no fear of something as disgusting as a worm, and I fear of the day when he says "You hold it Mama." What then? Run away and scream? I can't do that. I'm Supermom. Supermom has no fear. Somewhat.

First week of May
Charlie started eating cereal. It was like he was born to eat. As soon as I cautiously led the spoon to his mouth, he just grabbed the spoon from my hand and PLOP! into his mouth. Like he knew all along what to do and that he was waiting for that moment for months. Since then, we have given him carrots, apples, bananas. We will try to avoid buying the baby food as much as we can and just make it ourselves. But I have a secret love for Gerber Peaches. That sweet slop is so good. I was hoping that we could buy some for Charlie and whatever is left over, I could have finished.

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