Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 4 of the cast

Jack is pretty much acting like he doesn't have a cast on. He crawls around a lot. He has been standing pretty good and doesn't really lift his leg anymore. He keeps his leg down and to us it seems like the pain is not bothering him anymore.
Our fear was that with the heavy cast, he would have restless nights. But it has been quite the opposite. He has been waking up around 6:20. I wake up around 6 and those extra 20 minutes to myself really do something.

He has been doing this great and hilarious trick. While I am in the bathroom getting ready, he crawls up to the door, says "Hhhmmmmm" as if he was saying "hellllloooo"
He looks at me mischieviously and crawls backward. All the while laughing and giggling. The more I laugh, the more he laughs. It is such a great morning routine that we have.
He talks a lot. He understands words like cookie, milk, leche, up, down, and our favorite -relax. When you say relax to Jack, he will literally lay down on the bed, and outstretch his arms out. And just look around and he will relax.

I am hoping the weather gets better this weekend so we can actually walk around outside.

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