Monday, August 11, 2008

Courtesy laughs, new room and the magic pillow

So I must mention the magic pillow first, because this is amazing! NEW MOMS TAKE NOTE! My mother in law gave Jack this cute lullaby book with a plush toy star. Then she called it the "night night pillow" because it is scented with lavender. As soon as we gave Jack the pillow and he rubbed the pillow on his face, he immediately started to rub his eyes and it looked like he was about to collapse into sleep at that exact moment.Later that night, when we got home, Jack was extremely fussy when going to bed, so I gave him the pillow and - Ta da! sleep!

And the third time og when the magic pillow worked was when Jack started to wake up around 4:50 am and I gave him the pillow to hold and once again he drifted to sleep. Now I don't want to sound like a loon, but this pillow may have saved our lives and I need to preserve that scent as long as possible. I wonder what google would bring up if I typed "preserving scented pillows."

Jack now has this new laugh. He crinkles his face and nose and sticks his tongue out a bit and goes " Haugh!" It more sounds like a cough and sometimes our heads whip around to see if he is choking. But we see him with this crinkly face and he is trying really hard to come out with a laugh. I discovered that tickles make him laugh, as well as fake sneezes and hiccups. Although after awhile, if we keep on doing the fake sneezes and hiccups, Jack will look the other way and give us the courtesy laugh. That is where the "haugh" comes in.

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